
Grade 3- 6 Literacy at Oak Ridge

Children at Oak Ridge School enjoy opportunities to read and write, to talk about reading and writing, and to be part of a community of readers and writers every single day!

Learning is a constant process, and occurs in large group and small group settings. Learning takes place independently, and also takes place through interactions with teachers and classmates.

Literacy instruction includes:

  • Interactive Read-Aloud and Literature Discussion
  • Shared and Performance Reading
  • Writing about Reading
  • Writing
  • Oral and Visual Communication
  • Technological Communication
  • Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study
  • Guided Reading

Reading and writing takes place across the day. Students read and write when learning science, social studies, and mathematics.

To learn more about the philosophy that informs our literacy practices at Oak Ridge, you may view and download a description of Core Values by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell.


At Oak Ridge Elementary, the focus in Mathematics is on developing fluency with all operations, deepening understandings of mathematical concepts, and problem solving. Through hands on activities, differentiation, and lessons that focus on content and practice standards, engaged independent learners and problem solvers are developed.

For more resources to support your child in mathematics, visit the Elementary Mathematics page on the district site.

Third Grade: Students in third grade develop an understanding of multiplication and division and learn strategies for multiplication and division through 100. Third grade students learn about fractions, especially unit fractions, as numbers. Students learn the structure of rectangular arrays and area. Third graders learn how to describe, analyze and compare two-dimensional shapes.

Fourth Grade: Students in fourth grade deepen their understanding of multiplication and division while attaining fluency through 144 and discover how to find quotients involving multi-digit dividends. Fourth grade students learn fraction equivalence, addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators, and multiplication of fractions by whole numbers. They further their knowledge of geometric figures by learning how to analyze them based on their properties such as parallel or perpendicular sides, angle measures and symmetry.

Fifth Grade: Students in fifth grade develop fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions as well as gain an understanding of multiplication and division of fractions. They learn how to extend their knowledge of division to 2-digit divisors as well as all operations with decimals to hundredths. Fifth grade students learn how to solve for the volume of a geometric figure in multiple ways.

Sixth Grade: Students in sixth grade learn how to connect ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division as well as use concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems. Sixth grade students complete their understanding of division of fractions and extend the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, including negative numbers. They learn how to write, interpret, and solve expressions and equations. Sixth graders reinforce their understanding of number and learn to think statistically by analyzing and describing data distributions.

Social Studies

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